Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Standard & Poor’s Thanksgiving Gift to Tesla Motors

Standard & Poor’s equity research division has just revised its outlook on Tesla Motors (TSLA), and upgraded its rating on the stock from ‘sell’ to ‘neutral’, with a $130 price target. At the close of trading on November 27, the last session before Thanksgiving, Tesla shares were trading at about $127, with a one-year forward price to earnings multiple of 84x.
In the past few days, a number of sell side analysts have moved to either revise or reiterate their rating on Tesla Motors, with a wide range of views. Dan Galves at Deutsche Bank maintains his favorable view on the stock, giving it a buy rating with a target price of $200, citing a favorable outcome from the recent investigation on the Model S battery fires by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) investigation, strong demand in China, where the company recently opened its first retail store, and an expected improvement in margins for the full fiscal year.
Read More : TSLA - BAC - VLKAY

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